↩️ Back to round pageYou head to the north, past the point where you met Steve. You can make out what looks to be a clock tower, towering majestically over the rest of the map.
Nearby, you see a bunch of MOSPers fumbling with what looks to be a game. Hundreds of cards are sprawled over the nearby earth, They have some strange symbols in various colors; you can only guess what they mean.
One of the MOSPers looks up and hollers to you, “Yo, assistant director! Can you help us out here?”
You look around the field in silence, trying to make sense of what’s going on.
The MOSPer continues on, “We’re trying to plot out a calendar here.”
“That’s supposed to be… a calendar?” You stare at the cards incredulously. Those symbols do not look like they’re trying to represent numbers. At all.
“Uh, yeah, it’s kinda complicated… but I’m sure you’ll see,” says the MOSPer simply. “All you gotta do is make room for the start of the IMO.”