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You figure out that the cows are doing a programming contest. How fun! There’s a similar thing back on your side called the USACO, which by coincidence also features a farmer named John, who works with herds of cows (one of who is named Bessie). You smile to yourself as you think about how, even in a strange new world, some familiar parts don’t change.

You think to yourself about what you know about USACO; it has a lot of overlap with math olympiads in some way, but mostly in combinatorics. Maybe that’s the issue? Suppose you launched a propaganda campaign, with a slogan like SAY NO TO COMBO or something like that. If all the cows switched to mostly doing Euclidean geometry, ostensibly they might be a bit less invested in the programming contest.

You think about this a bit, and decide some things are maybe better left unsaid. So you just advise Farmer John to disconnect the Wi-Fi during working hours, and leave it at that. After all, cows don’t need Wi-Fi to do their job.

Click the image to continue.
Propoganda at its finest.

Solution to P53GZ7

The only information given initially is the title of the puzzle, which is a Gradescope join code. Joining the class reveals the super relay, and a Gradescope programming assignment to submit.

Solving the relay

The first step is to solve the math problems. Here is some sample code:

def int2base(x, base):
    assert base >= 2
    assert x >= 0
    digits = []
    while x:
        digits.append(int(x % base))
        x = int(x / base)
    return tuple(digits)

def get_primes(n):
    # https://stackoverflow.com/a/3035188/4826845
    """ Returns a list of primes < n """
    sieve = [True] * n
    for i in range(3,int(n**0.5)+1,2):
        if sieve[i]:
    return [2] + [i for i in range(3,n,2) if sieve[i]]
PRIMES = get_primes(MAX)

def divisor_count(n):
    return len(list(sympy.divisors(n)))

def divisor_sum(n):
    return sum(list(sympy.divisors(n)))

def f1(n : int) -> int:
    return divisor_sum(n)

def f2(n : int) -> int:
    answer = 0
    count = 0
    for b in range(2,n+3):
        digits = int2base(n, b)
        if digits == digits[::-1]:
            answer += b
            count += 1
        if count == 3:
    return 2*answer

def f3(n : int) -> int:
    assert n > 0
    count = 0
    x = 0
    while count < 20:
        x += 1
        if gcd(x,n) == 1:
            count += 1
    return x

def f4(n : int) -> int:
    for p in range(n+40,3,-1):
        if p in PRIMES:
            return p
    return 2

def f5(n : int) -> int:
    x = 5*n-200
    assert x % 3 == 0
    return x//3

def f6(n : int) -> int:
    assert n % 2 == 1
    if n % 4 == 1:
        return (n+1)//2
        return (n+3)//2

def f7(n : int) -> int:
    N = int(4*(2*n+1)/9)
    N -= N % 4
    if N % 8 == 4:
        return N
    elif 9*N <= 8*n:
        return N
        return N//4

def f8(n7 : int, n9: int) -> int:
    for p in PRIMES[1:]:
        if (pow(5,n9,p)+5-n7) % p == 0:
            return p
    raise ValueError("No prime")

def f9(n : int) -> int:
    assert n >= 5
    return 2 * n - 5

def f10(n : int) -> int:
    for d in range(int(n**0.5),2,-1):
        if n % d == 0:
            return (d+1)*(n//d-1)
    assert n in PRIMES
    return 2*(n-1)

def f11(n : int) -> int:
    # u v 2v 4v+u 9v+2u 20v+4u 44v+9u
    # max 20v+4u given 44v+9u <= TNYWR and u > 0
    assert n >= 53
    k = n-9
    v = k//44
    u_minus_one = (k-44*v)//9
    u = u_minus_one + 1
    return 20*v+4*u

def f12(n : int) -> int:
    for x in range(n,MAX+1):
        for b in range(2,int(x**0.5)):
            s = int2base(x, b)
            if len(s) == 3 and s[0] == s[2]:
                return x
    raise ValueError("No such integer")

def f13(n : int) -> int:
    assert n > 0
    answer = 1
    for p in PRIMES:
        if p > n**0.5:
        while n % p == 0:
            n //= p
            answer *= p+2
    if n > 1:
        assert n in PRIMES
        answer *= n+2
    return answer

def f14(n : int) -> int:
    assert n in A186428.terms
    seq = A186428.seq
    i = seq.index(n)
    k = i+1
    assert k < n
    return seq[i-1]

def f15(n : int) -> int:
    assert n >= 12
    record = 0
    for d in range(1,n//12+1):
        for x in range(1,n//(2*d)):
            for y in range(1,n//(2*d*x)):
                a = 2*x*y*d
                b = (x*x-y*y)*d
                c = (x*x+y*y)*d
                if a+b+c <= n:
                    record = max(record, a*b-c)
    assert record > 0
    return record


Once the relay is completed, the solver is told that the finished relay has answer $97$. They are also provided with the following prompt:


Re-submit with one additional global variable:

reverse_engineered = "????????????????"

This should be a string of length seventeen such that,

(1) reverse_engineered[0] = reverse_engineered[16] are the
ASCII character corresponding to the moderator's secret choice M.

(2) For all 1 <= n <= 15, reverse_engineered[n] is the
ASCII character corresponding to the answer to relay question n.

For example, reverse_engineered[8] = 97 = ord('a').

Since the solver is promised $0 \le M \le 10000$, it is pretty straightforward for the solver to ask their program to check values of $M$ and see if any of them give $97$. (Actually, there is really an implicit assumption that $0 \le M \le 255$, since the values are promised to be in ASCII range.) Doing so, one finds $M = 36$. One then finds the reverse engineered string is actually readable: it is

reverse_engineered = "$[0;a_1,a_2,a_3]$"

Continued fraction

When the reverse_engineered string is correctly submitted, a new message appears:

🏁🏁🏁 Reverse-engineering successful!
Much partial credit awarded ;)

When this happens, the score for the user skyrockets, as does the denominators of the test cases (beforehand, the user simply got 1 point for each answer). The solver obtains the following table:

Problem Numerator Denominator
R-01 10477 702067
R-02 3361 363093
R-03 2657 292353
R-04 2849 185217
R-05 2529 197294
R-06 2529 212468
R-07 6084 407705
R-08 5215 344256
R-09 5294 407705
R-10 6637 212468
R-11 6163 197294
R-12 5786 185217
R-13 3521 292353
R-14 3457 363093
R-15 6500 702067

As hinted by the reverse_engineered string, the solver should attempt to take the continued fraction expansion. As expected, each continued fraction has exactly three parts. For example, \[ \frac{10477}{702067} = \frac{1}{67+\frac{1}{97+\frac{1}{108}}} = [0;67,97,108]. \] Working out the rest of the continued fractions, we get a sequence of numbers in ASCII range. Doing the conversion then gives the following table:

Problem Numerator Denominator $a_1$ $a_2$ $a_3$ 1 2 3
R-01 10477 702067 67 97 108 C a l
R-02 3361 363093 108 32 105 l i
R-03 2657 292353 110 32 83 n S
R-04 2849 185217 65 89 32 A Y
R-05 2529 197294 78 79 32 N O
R-06 2529 212468 84 79 32 T O
R-07 6084 407705 67 79 77 C O M
R-08 5215 344256 66 79 66 B O B
R-09 5294 407705 77 79 67 M O C
R-10 6637 212468 32 79 84 O T
R-11 6163 197294 32 79 78 O N
R-12 5786 185217 32 89 65 Y A
R-13 3521 292353 83 32 110 S n
R-14 3457 363093 105 32 108 i l
R-15 6500 702067 108 97 67 l a C

Reading this gives a phrase which has been repeated both forwards and backwards (much like the super relay). The phrase tells the solver to call in the answer, SAY NO TO COMBO.

Author Notes

We got the idea for this puzzle by thinking about how we could use Gradescope as the basis of a puzzle mechanic. One person had the idea we ought to do a programming assignment; another person had the idea that Gradescope naturally gives a bunch of fractions, making continued fractions a viable mechanism. These two ideas both make an appearance in the puzzle.

The idea to create a super relay for the programming contest came about because we were thinking about USACO, which famously has cow mascots. At the same time, FARML is a real contest, so we got super excited when it clicked that we could make an ARML event for the cows.

Š 2021, MOP Puzzle Hunt